Monday, March 21, 2011

usually my day off

Typically Monday is my day off, but, not so this week!  Because of the huge work week ahead I want to fully dedicate each day to the Lord in prayer.

While over in Cambodia I was once again reminded about the fact that the staff and orphans of BB3 take one day each month and FAST and PRAY for Crossroads.  This has caused a conviction within me to be more fully devoted to prayer myself.

Last night as sleep once again waged battle with morning - trying to convince me I must wake up and begin the day at 3:30 a.m. , I laid in my bed and prayed for the most random people that God brought to my mind.  I don't say random in a demeaning way, but I was totally unsure how to pray for several people that I woke up thinking about.  One I have had no contact with for years and have no idea what he is even doing these days - still I prayed for him.  It was impacting to lay there praying that God would direct my thoughts toward who ever needed prayer.  I completely believe I had a divine appointment with the Lord this morning, our bedroom was filled with Him. 

Within this precious time, I also poured out confession to Him.  I have been preoccupied with a former acquaintances' choices concerning ministry work he is involving himself in right now.  God reminded me again, this is not to be of any concern to me.  I am not to talk negatively against this person/ministry and He reminded me that He is in control and does not need my help.  So, I turned it over to Him and today I feel so much more free to focus on the work He has for me.  And so I returned to work today...

Seeing such total dependency on prayer and trust in Him from the orphans and the orphanage staff was a wake up call for me.  I hope to hang on to the lessons I have learned in Cambodia forever.

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