Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today is brand new

Today certainly marks a brand new era in my life!

I have been granted the privilege to go over seas for the first time in my life today.

Please follow our team's adventure as we go to minister to the orphans of Asia's Hope in Cambodia the next few days!

specifically pray for:
-that we can identify their needs (not allow American ideas to decide what they need)
-that we can introduce Christ to as many people as we touch while there
-that our team will be changed personally
-that many more will feel the call on their lives to serve these precious children - several of which have no Crossroads support for the next year
-and safety would be nice too!

I will post as often as I can while away on my blog - I'll try to leave comments on the Crossroads facebook group as well as each team member will contribute to the Go Missions Blog while we are gone. So pray us through and we'll try to communicate back to you!!

May God bless you my friends!

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