I was recently reading through a study in Romans. It reminded me of some confusion I've had regarding several things.
I've been in church my entire life and often struggled with the concept of "missions".
Just the idea of going into a foreign country thinking we could be the deliverer of the news they so desperately needed to hear didn't seem logical if we weren't a knowledgable part of their society.
I also wondered how "fair" it was that some have never heard.
But reading through these passages in Romans again reminded me that we each will be held accountable for what we do with the amount of knowledge we have of our Savior.
It served as a reminder that those of us with MUCH knowledge and opportunity to hear and respond to the teachings of the Lord will be held to a higher level of accountability. As a comfortable American I catch myself satisfied and not constantly troubled by a lost world that God expects me to deliver the message of salvation to. ME! Privilege always increases responsibility.
"In times of persecution and distress the followers of Christ have given striking evidence of His transforming power and sustaining grace, but under more favorable conditions they tend to become worldly, selfish and complacent. God has commanded saved human beings to be the messengers of the Gospel, and we have failed." Richard W. DeHaan
My prayer today is that God will create a burning in my soul for the lost that I cannot resist!