It looks so many different ways.
Each of us with a personal relationship with Christ are 'the Church', so as the church our lives are on display taking the gospel to many places as we live for Him. Living as if we really believe this, as if not only everyone around us at work and socially are watching, but living as if we REALLY believe that the creator of the universe is watching and cares very much about our everyday lives. We are his vessels, we are the church.
So as the church, in our lives we are responsible to be a living witness for Him daily. But collectively as the church, we feel God leading us outside the walls of the Crossroads' building at 1188 P. A. W. - calling us to 'go'! And so we are...
Recently I had the opportunity to peek inside with the staff as we witnessed the beginnings of demolition so that remodeling can start making this building God has provided usable!
I really don't need to say much more since the following can speak for themselves...they tried so hard!
Stop by the Missions Center to sign up to volunteer and join in the fun!