Tuesday, March 29, 2011

precious memories

One of the amazing orphanage directors for Asia's Hope (not the Crossroads orphanage), sent me this picture yesterday - it causes my heart to yearn...

I have been consumed by the countless details of our Ken Ham conference ever since I got back from Asia.  I thanked the Lord for the timing of this pictures arrival today.  It took me back and helped me focus on the work I was just about ready to sit down and begin.  Work on how to touch the heart strings of our congregation - not just emotionally, but to uncover compassion they didn't know existed for those less fortunate then they are.  A compassion built deeply into each of us by our God - just waiting to be activated and challenged.

The coming weeks promise to be defining weeks for Crossroads - please begin to pray the God will lift the earthly veil from your eyes just as He recently has done for me.  A lifting that has revealed a whole new world to me - a world I chose to ignore previously.  His world.


Michelle said...

You, my friend, are an amazing woman - full of compassion and creativity - passionate! I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store in the weeks ahead! I love you and I am so very proud of you and even more proud to call you - my friend!

Lori Biddle said...

You'll never know what your friendship means - to know you are always worrying and caring about me - sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself! I love you too!