Monday, March 28, 2011

falling for distractions

I am easily distracted, knocked off course or sidelined, whatever you call it, I am sure it applies to me.

Right now I am in the middle of one of the most powerful 3 day events that Crossroads has ever hosted.  Lives are being changed for eternity.  Worldviews are being re-formed.  Clear creation teaching is bringing clarity to areas of our thinking that have been sitting on the fence - precariously teetering between Truth and worldly misconceptions for years.

So many positive things this weekend.

And head is turned by careless remarks made by a couple of people that didn't get their way.

HOW can I so easily look away from God's work toward the enemies' distractions?  He gets my focus time after time.  Shame on me.  And yet...

Just as I got a bit discouraged, He reveled His provision once again in a most unexpected way, drawing me back into His request to, "Follow Me" ...

And so - re-focused yet again, I look forward to another blessing from tonight's services, where we will experience just a wee taste of heaven lifting our voices together and learning more about defending our faith.

Sometimes I wonder if God looks at me and thinks "Good grief, what do I have to do to keep her attention on me?" He is so patient with me and I love Him - waiting anxiously to see what precious truth He will reveal to us tonight!!

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