Saturday, June 20, 2020

a good name

Proverbs 22:1
A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold."

Today's study presented this challenge, "Is having a good name a priority in your life?"

When your name comes up in conversations is it described as credible?  These days I think the dominating goal in life seems to be, "it's ok as long as I feel good".  This seems to apply to what people say, who they look up to and how they live their lives with little regard for others.  The complete opposite of how God wants us to live our lives.

We either attract people to a savior they're desperately in need of, or drive them away by how we live our lives and what our priorities area.  A good name attracts them to Christ because you're different than what the world is offering.

Everyone is currently taking offense to every opinion shared.  We now have to live terrified of making a mistake, saying anything that others may take offense to and just plain worried about saying what we really believe is true and right.

That's why it's become even more important to live so that you have a good name!  The one thing we know is true and right is a life lived in the Lord Jesus.  Even if the world doesn't think they want this - a desire for understanding eternity and the savior is deep within them and our lives can be used to make that desire a reality in their lives!

Join me in reading Psalm 112, about a good name today and let's begin to be part of the shift away from the things of this world that will never satisfy, and point them to the only fulfilling thing in this world! 

Live well today!

Friday, June 12, 2020

throw me in the sea

It's so interesting that Jonah knew exactly what the Lord was asking him to do, but still tried to run away and take a ship away from where God pointed him.  God sent a huge storm.

The story talks about all the other men on the ship throwing over cargo and asking one another to "call on their god" and ask him to reveal what is causing the storm.

When they found Jonah sleeping down below they asked him to call on his god.

Jonah knew exactly what needed to happen in order to appease God, he told the men "Throw me into the sea and the storm will cease!"   The men were hesitant to do this and kept trying to row back to shore until they finally realized doing as Jonah asked may be their only option.  So they did.

Immediately the storm stopped and the men turned to Jonah's God, the only true God, praising Him for sparing their lives.

In the past when I studied this passage I always focused on Jonah's story - how God sent a whale to get him where He had previously asked him to go.  An amazing miracle!

But this time I paid attention to the whole story and realized that the first reason God perhaps had Jonah on the ship was to introduce these lost men to Him!  Think of the story they had to tell their families and friends!!  How the minute Jonah hit the water everything was still!  

Our journey toward God is the greatest testimony we have to help us reach others for Christ!  My prayer is for a very discerning spirit to recognize what God's calling me to do with my time.  By living obediently and growing closer to Him each day, I hopefully won't ever have to be thrown into the sea to get my attention!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

what I didn't miss

I had the opportunity a week ago to get away and spend time in NC with our daughter and son-in-law.

What I didn't miss was all the hatred being spewed in the news.  I never remember a time in my lifetime where hatred was stated with absolutely no regard for another's feelings or well being.  I never watched any of it or listened to any of it the whole time I was away.  And I have to say I feel more rested and so thankful!

This is our son-in-law with his mom Trish
working at the donut window.

This is an picture just of their event center and Market - 
there are over 400 acres of orchards and property.

What I got to experience instead was family coming together around a dream and countless hours of hard work, and I got to see that dream become reality while being surrounded by a family that ALL love the Lord!  

Refusing to watch the news however, doesn't mean I am unaware of what's taking place or all the injustice going on.  We've been told that to keep silent on the maters behind the beginning of all of this violence is wrong, and then criticized again when doing the exact opposite, voicing our opinion.  I can't imagine what the family is going through that lost their son and brother - and having it replayed over and over.  And I'm also sad for the innocent businesses that are being destroyed and robbed.  Some family businesses that have poured their finances and endless hours into - only to be lost forever.  Are these actions justified due to racism.  Of course not, I believe the opposite is true, it's probably creating even more hatred and fear between law enforcement and those breaking the law.  So what are we to do as believers?

During a commercial last night,  I caught a glance of people including law enforcement 'take a knee' in remembrance of the loss of life and it brought this verse to mind. 

Phil 2:9-11
Therefore God has highly exalted himself and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of JESUS every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father!

Can you picture that?  EVERY KNEE - good and evil - every created human being will take a knee in confession to the sovereignty of God!!!  Admitting that Jesus Christ is Lord!!

I believe what we need to do as believers is saturate ourselves in scripture and prayer for our country and watch diligently for God opportunities to make Him known to people that are desperately searching for reason and hope right now.

Ron was approached by a young man as he was doing yard work the other day who said, "I hear you're a pastor, can I ask you a few questions?"  He went on to describe his life and that he doesn't know how to decide what he should do with his life.  Ron talked to him for quite a while and suggested some materials that might help him too.  This conversation may not have happened if there wasn't fear about Covid and all the violence going on, only God knows...

So, we must show everyone around us that Jesus is the only answer, we must watch for chances to serve those who are mistreated or scared - this could be the greatest period of evangelist opportunity in our lifetime if we stand confident in Jesus!!