Have you ever followed a man driver and watched him closely? I did today.
I followed a pick up truck with a man and his dog. If the man ever faced forward as he drove I didn't see him do it! I am not kidding, the guy's head turned back and forth looking everywhere except straight forward! I have seen this in many men as they drive.
I keep my eyes straight forward when I drive. Mostly out of the fear of hurting someone else and partly because I usually am not interested in anything except my destination. This is not only how we should drive but also how we should live, facing forward. There are certainly things we need to pay attention to along the way, but we need focus and know where we are headed.
When I do get distracted looking this way and that, it always has consequences.
I sometimes wonder what opportunities I didn't even see due to 'looking around' instead of facing forward. Funny thing is I have had many opportunities lately to encourage others to keep moving forward, walk in His will only, don't compromise. I need to listen to my own advice. And although I don't spend my days committing horrible sin in the world's eyes - Jesus had to die because of sin like gossip, and pride, and jealousy and stinginess too! Think of that! Not one of us are without sin and not one of us are without need of a savior. Facing forward means doing what He called each of us to do on this earth, it is not that hard to discover what you are created to do. Just face forward - keep moving toward God - live obediently, study God's Word and move forward, straight forward!
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