Monday, March 2, 2009

my day off

Had a nice slow day with my hubby. Breakfast, laundry, errands, back home to phone calls organizing Mission trips.

On one errand I purchased Kay Warren's book Dangerous Surrender. This book is amazing! What a challenge to step outside our personal world and dare to care about the whole world. I certainly care deeply about those less fortunate but when Kay listed these statistics it really got my attention. Kay said, "If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world!! (And listen to this), if you have ANY money in the bank, some cash in your wallet and spare change thrown in a dish at home, you are in the TOP 8% of people on the earth; 92% have LESS to live on!" WOW, talk about perspective! It ended up being a day of prayer and soul searching. I later discussed with Ron my thoughts concerning accompanying him on his next mission trip.

My dilemma is this, I am 100% behind the mission of Asia's Hope, the agency that Ron will again travel with this fall. They rescue orphans in Cambodia and Thailand, an amazing - Biblical based concept. Ron and I personally contribute to this ministry, but, as far as being personally called to go, I don't know what God wants me to do. I'm continuing to pray seeking his will. Ron and I have always done everything together for 30+ years, so I would go even for the common experience if that is what he wants me to do. Is this reason enough to go, or does God want me to send the portion of money I would spend to support the orphans? Tough call. I have a little while before I have to make a commitment to go, for Him to reveal His will to me. I will obey.

I finished the day by attending the Global Youth Ministry Network's open house. How richly God has blessed this ministry! This ministry equips youth leaders around the world to lead in their own ministries. He has graciously provided a beautiful facility for this amazing Mission organization, through a generous friend! How good God's people truly are! It has been a day to look beyond myself and begin to develop a far reaching more global perspective, a God perspective!


Scott Palmer said...

Reading this reminded me of something that Pastor Tim said years ago when he was still a youth pastor. I don't remember the exact lesson, but the part that always stuck with me was "Go until God tells you 'no'." I think that generally when we are at the point that you describe in deciding whether to do something, deep down we already know the answer. But then our humanness enters in with all of its doubts, fears and questions and we get sidetracked. We start to wonder if God is really calling us at all, but we never even take the first steps to find out. We never walk out into that desert or onto that water. The financial contribution you mention I'm sure would be very welcome by that organization should God shut this door and decide that that is the best way for you to contribute. But until that time, I think you should charge forward with the intention of accompanying your husband on this trip. It sounds from the way you write that the tug is there; you just need to set your mind to go. I think you'll find a real peace and excitement about it once you do.

Lori Biddle said...

You are probably right. I am reading Kay Warren's "Dangerous Surrender", really convicting!

Part of my struggle is it is a Medical trip, so a couple of the guys going that aren't medical pour cement and do manual labor all day long. So, I'm just trying to figure out exactly what my contribution would even be! God will show me..thanks.