"It was not always plain to me that the pursuit of God's glory would be virtually the same as pursing my joy. Now I see that millions of people waste their lives because they think these paths are two and not one.
Some of you people will die in the service of Christ. That will not be a tragedy. Treasuring life above Christ is a tragedy." John Piper
I started reading the book our study time in Cambodia will focus on, "Don't Waste Your Life" John Piper's book. I am only in the first few pages and already I am challenged.
There is nothing more terrifying to me than to look back at my life and think I lived it just to be happy, or to accumulate things or any other lame reason you can think of!
I don't want to do things because it's allowable, or permissible as a believer. I long to make every choice based on why I was created and what God's will is for me, and only that. I am continuously more and more thankful for being part of Crossroads.
I hear people talk about the revitalization of downtown Mansfield. When I think of a revitalization - I'm sure it is much different than what they mean! I pray Crossroads can be part of reaching further into our community. I don't think this is limited just to the great things we are currently doing, I think we are just on the brink of God's Spirit opening doors we never dreamed of.
One door we are knocking down with the Lord's help, is the division between different ministries. How this must break the heart of God to watch us all set up different camps and think less of brothers and sisters in other churches. Although our THEOLOGICAL stand must be clear and strong - we do not need to turn our back to others desiring to serve the Lord authentically! For the past three months, we have been inviting other area Worship leaders and Technical Church leaders to have lunch with us at Crossroads - this group is growing and I find this SO worth while! It gives us such unity within our local community! You will begin to see the results of our monthly leaders meetings at Crossroads with God's help in the coming months!
Our lives can count. It doesn't matter how much time you have wasted - the only path toward true joy is HIM and only HIM! To treasure Christ more than life itself is exactly why we were created - every other path is pointless. I want to wake up tomorrow as if it's the first day I have ever heard, "Follow Me" and run toward Him oblivious to the world around me!
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