I neglect some of my regular work due to the large Easter preparation required. And that's where I find myself today. The regular has been somewhat neglected. Today I catch up so that this week can remain very focused!
My favorite catch-up spot is in front of the fireplace. There is something about lighting a fire that holds my attention (a difficult feat) . Although I didn't need it for heat it's just the ambiance it creates that calms my nerves and brings me focus.
My husband called a couple of minutes ago to see if I needed his car due to lending my car to our daughter - hers broke down. I assured him he could take his time and I am planning to be home from morning until night! A joyous thought!
The neglected that needs my undivided attention today is...
Intentional time given to heart preparation
-I have been missing my intimate time with God the past couple of days. In the rush I run right past Him. As one of the leaders of the Crossroads' Easter services I first of all must stand before the throne myself in order to lead others. The responsibility of my role becomes completely overwhelming if I try it on my own. It also becomes just a job, a position that others can see straight through if the Holy Spirit has not been invited to fully fill every space of my heart and Crossroads.
Preparation for the Young Womans' Small Group tomorrow
-This group of young adult women give me hope for the future and it humbles me to think I get to build into their lives. They let me in, and I enter only after diligent preparation. I have never been with a more mature group of women - they are spiritually mature WAY beyond most women twice their age! We will be studying 'Anna'. Luke 2:38 says "She gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem." She is described as The Faithful Witness. What a cool description! I am anxious to study about her life.
Finish the organization of our Crossroads Intern Program
-We now have 2 College Interns serving in our department. This is an area I want to lead well. I really believe it will become invaluable to Crossroads. A way to acquire quality, young help to insure that we have cutting-edge input from current students as well as to take some of the stress off of our current staff!
Putting these three things in writing makes it look possible. Although my list is actually much longer - this will be enough today. I hope you have the chance to work on the neglected areas of your work today as well. May our lives this week be lived in careful preparation for the amazing work God is going to do this weekend!
May God richly bless your week!
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