Saturday, May 29, 2010

true love

Both of our kids are home with girlfriend- Alyssa and fiance' - Aaron. So much fun.

They both live out of state so when they are here it is a treat for all of us. It is so fun to watch young love...they cannot be separated even for a moment as this picture demonstrates. Aaron was playing music from his computer that he and Jocelyn and his brother have been writing long distance, while she was preparing to go to a breakfast party.

This kind of constant attention is something I would love to see all of us continue to give to our spouses and one another. The years dull our sense of urgency when in fact it should sharpen it. Time is fleeting, there is no time for arguments or harboring any kind of bitterness - toward anyone. This destroys the precious time God has given us together and makes our days less than extraordinary.

I believe God's intention for our lives can perhaps be most recognized in the ordinary things that we often overlook. We always hope for great and often miss the best.

True love is precious, something to work at, appreciate and nurture ever single day. Whether it is in the 'couple' context or 'friend' context - both require our greatest efforts and constant thanks to our God!

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