Thursday, October 3, 2013

The North American Church

I told my hubby just the other day -something is stirring within me - I don't know what it is....

When I hear a visiting GYMN leader talk I cry, when I read one of Jocelyn or Aaron's posts about Cambodia I cry, when Savorn reveals another 'basic need' in Cambodia I cry, when I think back over my day and the lack of eternity within it I am convicted....I don't know...

One of my favorite authors is Ann Voskamp and she recently wrote an article about the North American Church  and our willingness to be content to focus internally  (article link is found below).

 My stirring may just be in response to Crossroads' awakening toward missions.  I'm part of that awakening - for years I was convinced all I was called to do was to give to missions.   It's not enough.  I understand God has chosen where I'd live and how I'd live - and has blessed our family so that we can give to the poor and help the poor.  And I don't believe our response should be to 'sell everything' and leave the country because then we could not offer the help we can by working and remaining here.  But, it feels like it's not enough.

I am trying to remain in His will and His will only.  I am trying to lead and trying to serve as He calls me but I sometimes still feel distance between my days and any eternity accomplishment...I don't know..

This quote from Ann's article captured my feelings and gave me something to pray over, something to put before the Lord and to invite His evaluation...

You don’t wait until you have more before you give to God – you give now so you get to become more in God.

The North American Church

My prayer is that as you read this article you personally evaluate what you're doing with your life, with your everyday, with your resources and remember,  God refers to each of us who claim His name as "the church' - we are the church.

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