Thursday, September 13, 2012

the lamb

Pastor Tim's continues his teaching this weekend on "The Lamb of God".

In my research I watched a video about the sacrifice of lambs as atonement for sin.  Further into the video it switched to shots of Christ as the one and only ultimate sacrifice.

I watched as soldiers beat him and nailed him to the cross and then stood back and laughed.  They laughed...

I was appalled when I pictured the 'real' soldiers in my mind laughing and throwing lots for his robe.

And then I remembered the times that I have watched or heard men I honestly thought were crazy due to their way out beliefs or horrible theological teachings. And I too have laughed at people I thought were surely false teachers. I remembered that they really did not know or believe He was the Son of God.  They thought HE was crazy.

Their eyes were blind.  They thought He was some crack pot making impossible claims and so they laughed.

Can you imagine their terror when the earth quaked and they heard a comrade say, "Surely this was the Son of God." The laughter ceased. 

What did they tell their families when they went home from work that night?

And how did they ever sleep again?

I can't in my wildest dreams imagine living with that kind of guilt and shame.  They killed the Son of God.

And yet, our everyday sins require just as much of a savior as theirs.  The video still plays within my mind and I bow my head to praise and thank him for His endless forgiveness.

I know this Lamb of God, and can barely express the worship my heart feels.

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