Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I was surrounded today by Godly women, women I get to do life with - some of my friends.  This fills me with thankfulness- especially when in ministry I have seen the look of deep loneliness in many people's eyes.

I try every weekend to spend time standing in the open area of our church that we call Town Square - I watch people very closely.  I love to try to decide who needs someone to welcome them, or who is hoping to connect in some way.  It is one of my very favorite things to do at Crossroads.

Have you ever intentionally tried to connect with someone who you thought may be lonely?  Those who were alone or forgotten were often the kind of people Jesus searched out.  So should we.

My daughter has struggled the past year with loneliness at times being away from home.  She has decided to be very intentional about her pursuit of friends the next couple of months.  I am praying God will lead her to some great girls up there!

It hasn't been easy to listen to her sorrow over the phone a couple of times when she was really homesick for family and friends.  But she is learning so much, and has taken ownership of being the one to pursue friendship.

Seeing what she has gone through makes me even more determined to look for those among us at Crossroads that could be without family and friends...will you help me reach out to them whenever you are at church? Speak to those you do not recognize - greet people sitting alone.

Show love to everyone that crosses your path and Crossroads can become the kind of church that is known for its love!

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