Sunday, December 27, 2009

weekend report

The weekend was both exhausting and exhilarating! Those of you involved in ministry understand completely!

So many visitors that we pray will continue to come to Crossroads if they are looking for a church home - some I am sure, hearing the tremendous message of God's love for the first time!

Our set List:

Opening Song: Carol of the Bells - Sixpence None the Richer

Announcements: Deering Dyer Small Group Pastor

Special: Christ Is Come - Big Daddy Weave
Joy To The World - Tomlin
My Savior Lives - (from A break to end)
Hallelujah A Savior is Born - original by one of our worship guys Milo

Drama: Sticky Jesus - Skit Guys

Message: Part 3 - The Incarnation Senior Pastor Tim Armstrong

Closing Special: Winter Snow - from Tomlin Christmas CD

I was honored that our daughter Jocelyn got asked to sing/play the final closing song to our series. We do not do a separate mix for our recordings - so you cannot hear the piano or the excellent backup singer Cody very well. But, people asked me if it would be on my blog so set your volume kind of quiet to avoid our over modulation and enjoy! It was such a great weekend - and not just because our daughter got to participate...

God was there and people expressed how moved they were - I was very thankful for such a dedicated team that comes prepared even on the busiest weekend of the year.

Enjoy what others used in their services this weekend by going to Fred McKinnon's site.

You can watch our entire service at on Monday afternoon. May God richly bless your week!


Doug Thorsvik said...


Thanks for the feedback on "Here I Am to Worship"; clearly an excellent choice for a Christmas Eve service. We hadn't used it for a few years so it was fresh.

Our "Silent Night/Emmanuel" combo was probably the worship singing high point. I put the chorus Emmanuel between each verse of Silent Night and matched the keys. What made it work was doing an instrumental intro using Emmanuel so we entered Silent Night in 4/4. Changing back and forth from 3/4 to 4/4 wasn't working at all for us.

I can see by your setlist I need to get more up to speed on some of the more contemporary Christmas/Advent music out there.

Anonymous said...

Really love Winter Snow...your daughter did a great job! We used it on December 13 and I planned to use it on Christmas Eve, but sadly our singer was out of town and I just didn't have the heart to have someone else sing it... Happy New Year!

Michael J Mahoney said...

That was awesome! And I heard the piano fine. Obviously a very talented young woman.