Just this morning I was staring at the ocean, now I am staring at my computer on my kitchen counter. Bummer...
This past week has possibly been the very most relaxing vacation I have ever taken. Thanks to a generous friend, who must have thought we looked tired, we were given a Condo on the beach for a week. So amazing!
I think that we only sat on the beach one time! The rest of our beach time we walked, and walked and walked! So good!
Yesterday as I took my last long walk I worshiped God. You all know by now all it takes with me is to give me a glance of the outdoors and I am lost in God instantly! (Tonight chunks of the clouds kept lighting up with lightning deep within them...sorry got distracted!) Anyway, during my last walk yesterday as I was worshiping - just overcome with God's goodness - this question randomly came to my mind. "If you could ask me for anything what would it be?" What in the world brought that to mind? Did God want me to ask for something, or was my mind just wondering again?
As I ignored this and continued praising God for his amazing detail in creation - and just taking in the expanse of the ocean - the question raised it's head again! Again surprised - I decided ok, if I could ask for anything, let's see world peace (ain't gonna happen), this type of thinking didn't seem logical. So... something I cannot make happen myself...of course I'd like to see everyone I know accept the Lord, but if you believe God 'calls' whom He will...asking for this probably wouldn't totally happen.
It occurred to me that when I feel prompted to pray I spend time first trying to figure out if it's a reasonable request, could it really happen, will God be disappointed with my request...by the time I get done with all of these ridiculous thoughts God is probably throwing His hands in the air.
So I asked for something I have no way of doing myself and something He knows is hea

Now, I realize just because we ask we may never get the answer we hope for, the answer may look completely different than we were hoping, but one thing I know, He will answer this prayer in some way. It may be that He simply wants the kids themselves to work and pay for it so He can teach them something. Anyway I made my request known, it was on my heart and now I have given it to Him.
Do you try to figure out what to pray for instead of just praying, just talking to our God? If you felt God was asking you right now "what is the desire of your heart", what would you ask for? Come on, tell Him, tell all of us if you want to!
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