It started out good, a glorious massage...possible stretched ligaments in my shoulder -ouch! Then of course breakfast out!
It was a beautiful day here in Mansfield, so I was able to sit out to do my reading. I enjoyed being outside, lots of indoor time coming soon enough. The time of rest soon came to an end as I hurried into the rest of my day.
Anyone in ministry knows there really is never a whole day off, not really. I had to pick up postcards at church to mail for advertising the visit of Rick Muchow from the Saddleback church. I learned how to use the new copy machine to run the labels I needed. This was well worth my time because the rest of the week the whole staff is in which makes it nearly impossible to find the machine not running with someone's work. We finished everything and I got the postcards ready for the mail then went back home.
I was home for several hours, did very little, then needed to return to Crossroads once again. . We have two brand new actors in this coming weekend's drama. I wanted to be at practice to make their first time as easy as possible by helping in anyway our drama director, Maureen needed. The actor's were a little nervous, but soon got into character and we found ourselves laughing a lot! I look forward as always to the weekend. If you were not able to be with us this past weekend, you really should watch the service, it was pretty much amazing.
Anyway - not much of a day off I suppose, but fun none the less. Maybe tomorrow I can stay away! ha ha probably not...
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