Again this Thursday during our live broadcast, we had a few problems, so we had to tweak as we went. We got through the meeting, very technical in nature, and then the fun began!
We knew we would be a bit stiff and too business like (not our regular behavior) for the first few weeks. But when the camera turned off good stuff happened. You may ask, what was it that sparked our creative processes to kick back into gear? Evaluation.
Our pastor kindly waited for the cameras to stop rolling before evaluating the problems he saw in the MidWeek service. But, what could have been a dissapointment to our team turned out to spark a lively discussion about what we could improve on. Everyone in that room wanted the same thing, to offer our best to the Lord! Our Worship Leader even asked Pastor Tim for ongoing evaluation when he saw potential slips in excellence.
Before the off-camera disscussion ended, we were considering a huge concert style weekend, like we used to do! The team was jazzed! The other decision we made was to change up our programming broadcast to include evaluation live! Brave huh?
We will see you next Thursday with our new broadcast format. Remember, evaluation is good!
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