Monday, August 18, 2008

Another Day Off

I have great friends that graciously allowed me to take my family to a lake house this past weekend. We headed to Lake Erie with trunks full of supplies and more food than we could possibly eat. It’s amazing that just an hour and a half drive from home can feel like you are far away. It was beautiful at the lakes, what a blessing!

We ate constantly, watched the Olympics, took walks, sat by the lake, video taped my dad talking about the old days, ate again and ended the night with a rousing game of Family Feud. This was our final time together for the summer. This was the end of many things.

My family is changing rapidly. My dad turns 80 tomorrow, my husband turns 51 on Wednesday and my children both go to college in a week.

Empty nest. Time moves rapidly forward. I am sad, excited, nervous, and curious to see what God has planned!

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