Sunday, January 20, 2013

weekend report

Our teams bless us with excellent worship leading!
This weekend has been awesome!  Very, very participatory worship - great energy and excitement in the auditorium!  Solid teaching by Deering!  But as I left the auditorium I decided to walk through our children's department.  It caused me to continue to worship.

pictured here:  Tammy, Streeter, Tom & Darin
Each of us that attend Crossroads only walk into the areas that directly affect us.  The Childless may stop in our amazing coffee shop, or go directly to the auditorium.  Those with children practically RUN to the children's area, (not exactly sure if it's because they are trying to keep pace with their anxious children or because they are so excited to get to worship without the children for a few minutes!)  Still some choose to watch the service while fellowshipping in what we call our Town Square, regardless, it's a thing of beauty to watch!

Here are a couple shots/video of the ministry running on all cylinders!

Nursery children ready for a ride!

So many youth I couldn't fit them all in the picture!

Our setlist:
The Only One - Tomlin
Pastoral Prayer:  Mike Mahek - Shelby House Church Pastor
Praises To Our King - Sgambellone (a Crossroads original!)
10,000 Reasons - Redman
The Stand - Passion
Announcements:  Coffee House interview
Message:  The Samson Protocol - Deering Dyer
Exit Song:  The Whole Earth - Gateway

To watch our services on line go to

To see what other ministries used in their services go to

Have a blessed week!

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