Tuesday, December 6, 2011

what I learned today

I was reminded today that our best laid plans can suddenly change.

I worked all day Monday to finish decorating,  set the table and prepare everything to host the young womens' small group at our home.  And then the floods came and washed our driveway away.  So I cooked today, loaded everything in the car, drove through the neighbors yard and used his driveway to exit and took everything to the church this evening.  We had our Christmas dinner there.  It was great to see the girls again and welcome two new girls to the group.  I miss them when we aren't together.

As I loaded back up to return home, still disappointed that we didn't get to be together at my house, I thought again about how quickly life changes.  And how thankful I am to know the one that knows ALL plans and the WHY.

It put into perspective just how trivial my disappointments are.

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