Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekend Report

Well, this weekend there is much reporting to do!

Our Senior Pastor, Tim Armstrong, announced his resignation to answer God's call to another ministry.  He's going to a ministry that desperately needs him!  Our staff surrounded them in the auditorium this weekend to try in a physical way to show our support as a staff. 
My view from behind Tim and Michelle

I have never been more proud or committed to my brothers and sisters here at Crossroads.  Together we approached the throne of God - placing our trust in Him - calling on Him to fill our pulpit with the man of God that He has already chosen for us.  How exciting!

Although I have every confidence that the man God brings will be exactly what Crossroads needs right now.  It is on a personal basis that I struggle most.  I love Pastor Tim and his family as if they were my own family - working side-by-side on every service we ever created is just something very difficult to let go of.  My personal prayer now is that God is completely honored in every aspect of our work - while waiting for the man he has chosen for us.  I rest on Him!

Worship was extremely meaningful this weekend as our congregation lifted worship to our Savior!

Our Setlist:

Announcements on video

Revelation Song
Our Mighty Fortress is Our God
Be Lifted Higher
Message:  John 2 - Worship - Pastor Tim Armstrong
Closing Worship:  Man of Sorrows
Special Announcement:  Pastor Tim
Closing Comments/Prayer:  Mike Sloan

To watch our services go to

To see what other ministries used in their worship services go to

Have a blessed week!

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