Monday, April 1, 2013

weekend report

I don't remember a better Easter.

First of all - it was a simple proclamation of who Christ is and what He did for us.  Pastor Tim explained perfectly our need for Him and that no one has done anything that is unforgivable.  He came to forgive every hidden and every public sin.

Our first Galion, Ohio service!
Secondly - we launched our first Crossroads multi-site in Galion, Ohio.  We had a response from that community that exceeded our expectations when 450 children and adults attended our first service there!  It still takes my breath away to speak of it.  God showed up in a big way there!

On the very first day of Multi-Site almost to capacity!

Third -  we gave out 237 new believers kits (212 in Manfield, 25 in Galion)- which tells us the possibility is that there are 237 new believers who will one day share eternity with us!!!  For all of us who worked and volunteered on Easter weekend - this is why we do what we do and are highly honored that God would allow us to help in any way in the process!!!  He is Risen indeed!!

Our setlist:

Video ads ran at top of hour leading to the awesome Sermonspice video "This is Our Church"

Alive In You
Be Lifted Higher
Message:  This Changes Everything - Pastor Timothy Armstrong
Closing Song:  We Fall Down

To watch our services go to

To see what other ministries used in their services go to

fellowship:  I also had fun watching people enjoy one another between our Easter services this weekend and found it really fun to take pictures of people taking pictures of their families all dressed up - this is church - fun and fellowship!!  I've posted just a couple of examples...have a blessed week!

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