Tuesday, August 16, 2011

what I learned today

Although the title of my Tuesday posts are about learning - I must confess, today I didn't study a thing!

Instead I spent the day with girl friends.  Wild girlfriends!  Seriously, we laughed until we were sick!!

I guess what I learned was that I consider myself very blessed to have such friends.  (Don't tell them I said that I'll deny it!)

When you can goof around and laugh with people and yet know that they would do ANYTHING for you - then you are truly blessed!  I believe this is how God intended for us to live - together.

Some people I know live such isolated lives, I don't know how they survive.  I cannot live that way.

Today reminded me that I need to invest more time in my friends and I am totally convinced God enjoyed the laughter He heard...and maybe chuckled at our ridiculous behavior!

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