Thursday, June 16, 2011


As I walked today I realized that all I was thinking about was my destination. Focused straight ahead and moving quickly!

I was paying no attention to what was going on around me as I walked. I was missing potentially important details of my day as I hurried along my way.

So I stopped.

I looked around and saw things I had not noticed before. I noticed as I began to walk again that a bird flying beside me was moving at the same speed I was due to the brisk head wind, I took his presence very personally as if God had sent him to accompany my walk. The wind was blowing so hard that the sound blocked out the normal everyday sounds and heightened my other senses. I felt the placement of my feet instead of hearing them and took notice of the brown path on which I walked. I marveled at the palette of color all around me and wondered as I have before why God cares about such detail. I remembered a friend who had asked me for prayer recently and spent time telling God about their request and I asked God to provide for a financial need.

I realized the real blessing was in the journey not the final destination. And then I understood that my destinations are often not what God chooses but are often my own end goal.

The things He really wants to show me are the lessons learned along the way. The people walking right beside me stifled by a struggle and unable to make headway because of the obstacles in their lives. I miss this because I'm too busy looking past them at my own destination. I hear all the many voices pulling me this way and that instead of letting God fill my ears so I don't miss the experiences He intended just for me this day.

A good friend of mine going through some medical difficulties is a shining reminder of looking for the today things God wants to show her, instead of the possible negative destination that could be awaiting her. 

Ironically no goal or planning can result in missing just as much as being to driven.

The conclusion I have to draw then is God wants us to rest in Him completely, put one foot of obedience in front of the next and move forward, no matter our circumstance. 

Focus today on each little detail, especially the ones you may perceive as negative and see what God wants you to learn or observe in each.  I pray your journey moves you in His direction on this blessed day -it's a very short period of time we all have to worship Him with our lives so worship!

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