Saturday, April 9, 2011

a great saturday

Today was a calm, slow paced day, just a great Saturday!  And it just kept getting better...

Tonight we partook in the Lord's supper as a congregation.  One giant table in the center - Christ followers making their way across the auditorium to take communion...just very moving!

Prior to the congregation arriving there were things to be done and our fabulous volunteer teams stepped up and helped create this night.  One not so attractive moment was when I was elected to crawl across the table in order to light a couple hard to reach candles!  That being finished it was time as a team to share the elements before the service began.

Deering Dyer, our Small Groups/House Church Director lead us.  I found it quite moving.  There is just a special connection between brothers and sisters in Christ when we share these precious elements and think about what they stand for.  Very moving...

As I said - it was a great Saturday, one I will not soon forget.  I cannot wait until morning!

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