Saturday, July 12, 2014

wading through stuff

Yesterday I cleaned my house and we hosted the last official Young Married's Group at our home.  (although we do life with these couples so all it changed is a regular monthly study)

This change was necessary because my hubby's been asked to launch men's groups this Fall at Crossroads -so we had to eliminate something to make room for more.

I was thinking about how full my house is and made the comment to my hubby that I would be content never to move again…the thought of packing is overwhelming!

Over the 4th of July holiday we spent time with my parents in Ashland - and went to an auction.  I love seeing what people are selling and this sale was a 2-household sale.  There was tons of stuff!

This is a shot looking down just 1 of probably 20 tables of stuff..  

Although we have more than we need - I really think the only things I have boxed up are some dishes of Ron's grandparents and my kids old toys/school books.  We try really hard not to buy stuff that just gets put in closets, boxes or not used.  Even so, we have too much!

I wondered how the people who's stuff was for sale, could have this much extra that family didn't take? It looked more like a 5 family sale.

If we could take all the stuff that accumulates in our homes that we have no need for, sell it and use it to bless others - what clean houses we would have and what a blessing to our families some day that won't have to deal with all our stuff.

I've also been working this morning at cleaning out my email.   I can't even guess how many emails  I get each day… it requires regular housekeeping too.  Gee, I wonder why we're all so stressed all the time!  We're surrounded by things that need care - things that need cleaned - and things that need discarded.  Certainly not a simple life.

Well, I'm finished wading through my stuff for another day - I'll turn my eyes toward the weekend and the privilege once again to lead at Crossroads!  See you all there!

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