Wednesday, July 9, 2014

tryin' to be wise

I've been trying really hard to be wise - and it's not working so well.

I've been trying to be wise when friends come with problems - even though I know full well they just need a listening ear - not solutions from me.  Tryin' hard to be wise…

I'm trying to be wise with my care about the ministry.  I sometimes act as if it's my ministry and have to draw myself back hard - and lift my eyes upward to once again focus on the only reason I'm in ministry.  Tryin' hard to be wise…

I catch myself worrying about who's not there, it's a normal summer but it feels way more personal this summer.

I was blessed when I found this today on my favorite author's blog.

 The very Son of God had a ministry to 12. And even one of them abandoned HimForget the numbers in your work. Focus on the net value of  your work. 
May I be wise when I talk to even one.  Who knows, I may have been called to ministry just to reach one!
I give up trying to be wise in the eyes of the world - and will follow and listen and wait…patiently.

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