Monday, June 9, 2014

weekend report

A beautiful moment of worship
Crossroads is moving through some mighty big changes right now, but the weekend was full of hope and a message from the Lord for all of us delivered by Brian Boone, our new Interim Pastor.

I can't believe how quickly the Lord moved to bring Pastor Brian to us!  It's shameful to ever find myself sitting in doubt or anxiousness when I claim the name of Christ!  He always provides what the church needs, and He already knows exactly who comes next.  This allows me to fully concentrate on my tasks and caring for the flock instead of dwelling on anxious worries- if I let it!

Pastor Brian leading us
This weekend the church raised its voice to a fevered pitch, someone described as 'revival-ish', could it be that a great moving of God's people is beginning to happen at Crossroads?  Does it take the removal of our beloved Pastor Tim for us to put our eyes and prayers fully in the Lord instead of relying on Pastor Tim's abilities?   I don't know how God will chose to move and change us, all I know is the people of Crossroads seem open and willing to let God work, and ready to place their trust fully in Him!  

We had a great weekend of worship and teaching - I am so proud of our amazing volunteer teams who step up and serve weekend after weekend - working a full-time job during the week…amazing!

Our setlist:

Recruitment video for Nursery Workers - (SkitGuys)  It worked!  We got several new volunteers!

Our secret hiding place - the greenroom
Announcements on Video:  We recorded this week's video announcements using 2 of our new College Interns - Tyler Garden from Asbury and Denae Lawrence from Mt. Vernon Nazarene - they did a great job!  You can see it on our VIMEO Page

Here I Am To Worship
One Way
One Thing Remains
In Christ Alone

Introduction of Pastor Brian:  Wendell Anderson
Message:  The Foundation and Future of the Church -  Brian Boone

Exit song:  In Christ Alone

To watch our services go to

To see what other ministries used in their worship services this weekend, go to

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