Saturday, September 7, 2013

the possibilities of today

It was such a beautiful ending to the day yesterday that I wondered even as I took this picture what would happen in the morning....

When I awoke to an equally glorious morning I began my day with praise to it's creator.

As I did the trivial things of morning like putting dogs out and making coffee - I wondered just what this day would hold.  The possibilities were endless.  (So was my to-do list)

I purposefully post-poned my list for just a little while longer hoping it could actually be an un-designed day and got trivial tasks done.  It was time to dump my poor hanging plant and re-fill all the bird feeders and so the hours began to pass.

Here I am at noon already and just beginning my true work, so I guess it's been a slower pace and relaxing even as I've worked.  These are the moments I can actually think, and really praise Him.

I'll say farewell for now so that I can get a few things done before evening.  As I do, I look forward to the worship in song and scripture and message that we get to share tonight and tomorrow!  I hope you all will join me!

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