Tuesday, August 10, 2010

my day off

I LOVED today!

I began the day outside which was magnificent - and even more so because I was with my hubby, sister and brother-in-law riding the bike trail!

It was so peaceful and beautiful - truly a great way to begin the day.

After riding and talking for 10 miles we had to eat of course which basically negated any physical accomplishment we had made up to that point - but, we had to keep up our strength!

Upon arriving home I went into high gear - moving all the remaining piles of wedding disorganization into all their proper places or into new areas of now empty closets and bedrooms.

Providing relief to my over stuffed closet was so overdue, and yet carrying some of my things into my daughters empty room had sad moments for sure. I put off doing it for several weeks just to get used to the fact she is gone.

She called today - just to give an update on what has been happening. When I hear the joy in her voice, and follow her on line as she blogs and posts pictures that say 1,000 words...I cannot be sad.

And so my first real day off in quite a few weeks comes to an end as I post this writing. I head for bed with a sense of satisfaction on many levels today. Physically, spiritually, domestically and parentally. That's not really a word - I just made it up!

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