We packed the service full - almost more than our poor old tech equipment could handle. Don't you just wish you had someone in your congregation that LOVED mics, cameras and sound systems so much that they told you to buy whatever you need for the church? ha ha!
Anyway, God has given a lot of old equipment great longevity, but, the time is coming where we need to replace mics and other various equipment. We had a drama with 6 actors and had problems with several face mics, other than that the volunteers offered the Lord their best and pulled off a very technically difficult weekend! I counted 28 volunteers that it took to run the service. I praise God for them!
Weekend Setlist
Opener: Pray Darlene Zschech
New Praise: Sing, Sing, Sing
Everyday (shortened)
Our God Saves
Responsive reading - Lords Prayer with additional inserts
Draw Me Lord (shortened)
Stay Amazed
Prayer Perplexity - WillowCreek Drama
Message: Prayer
Exit Song: Pray
If you would like to see what other ministries around the world did this weekend click here
If you would like to watch our services click here on Monday afternoon. God Bless!
Looks like an awesome set this week.
I'm going to have to check out Tomlin's Sing Sing Sing.
Second list I've perused today with it included.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey when you find that member who wants to buy all new equipment for the church send him over. We'll give him a speaking engagement maybe he can inspire and encourage ours! LOL
I just went to one church as a guest while visiting a friend from out of town. The church had recently upgraded its video equipment and the members definitely loved the experience. I hope other churches can update their equipment like this in the future!
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