Thursday, December 11, 2014

the church

Today I got to watch 'the church', the real church as God intended.
The volunteers praying before beginning

Our GoMissions team has worked under the leadership of my precious friend Darlene, and organized the distribution of
the gifts that our congregational members had contributed for the neediest families in Richland County.  It was definitely a blessing to witness.

People sat and prayed and discussed their lives with Crossroads volunteers and I saw more tears of joy in one day's time then I've seen in years.  One lady said she had just told her children there would be no Christmas this year, but that she would try to take them shopping as soon as the holidays were over and she saved up some money by working overtime at the gas station.  Her husband had left her and she was trying to keep the family together. 

She was overcome with tears of joy as she watched the volunteers bring her children's gifts to the table where they sat.  They then prayed together and after sitting for nearly an hour talking, she made her way back home to her tiny house and 3 kids and unknown future.

The circumstances that were shared with our volunteers are stories that bring perspective to our own lives.  Days we feel sad or disappointed usually have no foundation when measured against the hopelessness of those we served today.

The Lord permitted us to serve people today that society considers less fortunate, but I don't know...  Sometimes those who have too much, who never have to wonder about having enough or the ones slighted I imagine.

I have to be very honest and say there are seldom times in my life that I've worried about going without something, and today I saw people that spend their lives feeling hopeless.  They needed help, and somehow the Lord allowed the people of Crossroads to fill that need.

As always with this event, we are the ones blessed the most.  Such a privilege!

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