It was a little piece of heaven! Moving slowly around the house - cooking fresh eggs and toast - doing laundry and hanging it out in the beautiful sunshine and of course brewing the best coffee in the world - Lousantiville which is grown by the Guatemalan farmers we support at Crossroads and available by the pound at Crossroads!
While I worked on these things I became overwhelmed with a desire to spend time in the Word and with my heavenly Father…this desire was very very strong and it made me excited to feel like I was growing in Him and longing to spend time in study and prayer.
One contributing factor to this desire is also the grieving my heart is feeling regarding the atrocities going on around the world right now toward believers. I pray the Lord will choose to intervene especially on behalf of the women and children that are so helpless to defend themselves.
The men committing these heinous acts are impossible for me to figure out at all. Do they not have children themselves, or nephews and nieces they care about? The only way I can justify the crimes they are committing is to assume they are driven and possessed by satan himself. Could the human mind itself without evil influence think up such things?
I'm sitting here asking the Lord what my part to play in ending these injustices are. It's not like I can fly over to Iraq and march in and physically help anything - what can I do? Is prayer the only option?
I am certainly determined to continue in prayer over this horrifying mess - but, Father is there indeed more I should be doing?
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