Monday, July 23, 2012

my day off

Last night we had a blast with our small group from Crossroads.  One of the highlights of the night were the adorable raccoons that Jackie and Greg rescued!  The other highlights included ridiculous made-up stories sitting around the campfire and the food and fellowship!

I loved the sky framing the barn as the night moved in.

Morning came early and once again today we headed to Columbus to work at our son and daughter-in-law's new house.
Don't be critical - it's only the first coat!

I learned many things.  I learned how to 'mud' drywall.  I taped and finished the ceiling seams in one room by myself.  This shows the level of desperation we have reached! ha ha

I LOVED it - I don't often get to work on things that see results  the same day I start them.  Getting to learn how to do something new and actually make a contribution toward the house being finished is great fun!

I then coated an old door with paint thinner and scrapped off old paint.  It was a welcomed site when I began to see natural wood beneath the layers of yellow, green then white paint.  I don't know what people were thinking that painted this gorgeous old door!

Now it's almost time to head home so I must say good night, but allow me to leave you with a challenge for tomorrow.  Learn how to do something brand new - it is so much fun and will keep you young!

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