Tuesday, July 6, 2010

what I learned today

"perhaps the most distinguishing mark of a true partaker of the riches of God and Christ is that they cannot hoard the treasures. They want everyone else to enjoy them too."

This quote is such a great description of how our faith should affect us. The joy of our salvation should make it impossible to be silent about our relationship with Christ.

Does it?

As I studied today I believe the Lord opened my eyes to see that I have kind of fallen into a 'take it for granted' mind set when it comes to my faith.

I had to ask myself honestly, am I so in love with the Lord that I cannot keep silent?

I am not afraid to share my faith, but, I had to wonder if the joy I have, the joy that the world is seeking so hard to find, is evident to those around me. Would any seeker ever ask me why I seem different? This is something I will be thinking and praying about.

I learned today as I studied that I need to watch for opportunities to share how much I love the Lord, and to be very careful that I don't ever become complacent in my faith.

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