Saturday! A day I always enjoy!
Sleeping in (usually), moving slowly and choosing what I want to do.
Some days are very full of choice, but today wasn't.
With 1 grandchild overnight and 2 more joining us this morning - my day began as perfectly as possible! The choice had been removed from my day INTENTIONALLY by me! It's unbelievable how much I miss the simple love relationship I have with my grandchildren when I have to skip a few days!
Sunshiny skies, watering flowers, pushing toy baby strollers, pulling a few weeds and plucking off dead blooms, little hands throwing rocks into the creek...and breathing all of it in deeply...holding it in and worshipping the creator.
Saturday was very different then Friday, and I was so, so thankful!
Today I poured into young, young lives - Yesterday I hung onto old life.
There would be no grandkids without this old life of my mom's. Her adoration for my dad created 4 of us kids who were then blessed with our own children, a RICH AUTHENTIC Christian heritage and love, lots of love!
As I watched my mom fighting to form each word for the doctors in Columbus yesterday, my heart ached for her!
I tried to remember that God's design is a perfect cycle - amazing variety and interesting comparison.
The young learn to speak - the old sometimes lose their speech or have to learn it again following a stroke or accident.
The young learn to walk - the old stumble and struggle to walk and keep their balance.
The young are taught everything for the first time - the old fight to remember what they've been taught.
I could go on and on - but, moving between a mom recovering from the loss of a kidney a week ago which she did praising the Lord, to fighting for all she was worth to simply speak yesterday - fighting whether she realized it or not for her very independence - well, it just caused a lot of this comparison to go on in my head....and in my heart.
I fought hard to turn these thoughts into praises to the creator, the cycle of life and the creation of each of us to be so unique, young and old to serve equal purpose on His earth, just can't be comprehended by my simple mind - while my heart longs for understanding and peace.
My mom is home, they're calling it a TIA, they see no other blockages or problems so all that remains is the return post-surgery visit later next week.........I hope and pray!
Thanks to all my friends and relatives who have prayed for us AGAIN this week. Please, don't stop!
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