Monday, March 23, 2015

weekend report

Well It's very hard to believe that another weekend has come and gone at Crossroads!  It was a very important weekend because we got to be lead in worship by our students and our student ministry leaders!   THIS IS the church as God intended.  The greatest thing any of us can do - is to pour into generations younger then we are.  My highest honor - the greatest joy I feel is when I get to mentor or teach or provide opportunities for those younger then myself.  To celebrate their victories and discoveries and then I get to watch them turn into who God designed them to be!  It takes my breath away to even think about it!  And it guarantees that Crossroads has a future in the Lord!

The talent these young people have is incredible and the authentic way they lead worship and ran the tech areas and took care of greeting everyone that came into our ministry this past weekend was priceless - so good!

Aaron mentoring David on sound

Blueberry had the video covered

Pastor Jesse took care of the greeting team - and the mystery man

The 24 Series continued with students and student leaders!

the view from the Lighting booth - students everywhere

Wes called cues like a pro!

Jocelyn on piano and Micaela lead beautifully

High School Pastor Eric lead strongly

Ethan and the student choir were such a huge part of the weekend!

The greeting team either welcomed everyone in a way they'll never forget - or scared them to death!  ha ha

Our Setlist:

Video Announcements

Easter Promo - Video

How Deep The Father's Love For Us
Thank You Jesus
Your Glory (Nothing But the Blood)

Prayer - student - Ethan
24 series Bumper Video
Message:  Pt. 4; The Trials

Exit song: Thank You Jesus

To watch our services go to

To see what other ministries used in their worship services go to

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