Monday, November 29, 2010

my day off

Re-using things is a big deal these days I guess... There has never been much in my life that only gets used one time although the American mindset has always been a 'throw away' mindset overall.

Today I went to the church while Greg helped hang the steel stars that the artists created last Christmas at Crossroads. We used them on the stage last year, this year out in our foyer area, the area we loving refer to as 'Town Square'! After decorating the church I headed home to tweak the decorations we hurriedly got out while the kids were home at Thanksgiving.

We have used these same decorations year after year, rarely buying anything new. So all it really took was a few new batteries, some cleaning and we were good to go.

Just as I clean and work on my home this time of year, especially as we draw near to the new year, it's a time of examining areas of my life that have grown stale or bitter or used up. This takes serious thought and prayer and obedience - or it is just a waste of time.

Today as I watched my day off quickly pass away - I turn my thoughts toward the things of the Lord and consider where He wants me to go this year, what He wants me to tweak or get rid of completely.

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