Tuesday, September 14, 2010

what I learned today

Actually, I should title this what I'm about to learn today...

I am getting ready to begin a new book given to me by my new friends from this weekend - Kari and Stephanie titled " Proverbs. It is such a cool book - it's formatted like a journal and you write out the passage of Proverbs that you are reading each day!

It is always exciting to me (mostly because God has to show me 2 or 3 times before I listen), when several different sources suggest the same thing to me!

(Don't tell him I said what I'm about to say) Wendell - one of my favorite people at Crossroads, taught us recently on the benefit to our spiritual maturity it is when we read a chapter in Proverbs each day. Of course I have not yet begun this practice because I spend a lot of my life waiting for the 'right' time to begin things...

But, today is the day that I begin in Proverbs with the help of my new book - I am very excited to begin learning. Writing it out is the perfect compliment to just reading for me - writing is my favorite thing and it helps me to remember what I read!

I write this hoping to encourage each of you to study today - if you don't study on a regular basis begin small and simply read God's Word - and if you want to learn like I learn - write it out!

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