Sunday, April 18, 2010

weekend report

The third weekend in Pastor Tim's series in Mark - Amazing Jesus was fantastic. We have used an original artist rendering each weekend - what a blessing to reclaim art for the church you can see their work on the teaching slides we created for the series at

Our setlist:

Pre Worship - Come Thou Fount
Pre Worship - Holy, Holy, Holy - Chapman
Video Welcome - we used a guy from Australia with a cool accent
Worship - The Offering - Boloche
Worship - Give Us Clean Hands
Praise - Your Grace Is Enough - Tomlin
Praise - I Will Boast - Garrett
Message: Amazing Jesus Pt. 3 - The Mercy Giver - Tim Armstrong
Exit Song: Offering

To see what other ministries used in their worship services go to


Doug Thorsvik said...


Just curious as to what the difference is between Pre Worship, Worship, and Praise songs. Is is just the position in the song appears in the service or does it have something to do with the content and focus of the song?


HL McConnell said...

I love your set from last week. Well put together and great choice of songs. The version of "Holy, Holy, Holy" is my favorite. We've been using that version for awhile now. Good Lori :)