Sunday, March 6, 2016

weekend report

What A great beginning to our ERASED series on forgiveness!   So good!

Worship was strong and it was so good to hear the congregation singing so strongly together!

I walked around the ministry a little this weekend and was so excited by the things I saw!  Our student ministry worship was just so good, nothing says healthy ministry like students excited to be in their classes all the way down to the nursery!   I walked by a family I didn't recognize this morning and heard a boy about 7 years old saying, "I LOVE my class"!   So encouraging!

Students worshipping
Then I saw Eric, our High School Pastor working with his son to set up the Coffee Student Fund-raiser.  He was so excited to help.  Generations working together!

In classrooms during the services were things like Marriage classes and a Bilingual class and then training after church in our children's areas!  So many good things!  It was truly VERY good to be in the House of the Lord!

Our setlist:

Good, Good Father
Come Lord Jesus (Even So Come)
Unbroken Praise
Holy, Holy, Holy
My Heart Is Yours
Bumper Video Intro
Message:  ERASED Pt. 1 God Forgives - Pastor Dave Vance
Exit Song:  Good, Good Father

To watch our services on line go to

To see what other ministries used in their worship services go to

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