Sunday, February 28, 2016

the next place

 We are preparing to move to the next place.

We thought it would be home, but instead the next place will be the Hospice Center.  In some ways this will be a blessing for my mom - allowing her to sleep.

I don't know whether to be glad or sad.  I don't know what I feel right now.

He's not as good today, yesterday joking around with my cousins who stopped in to visit, today moaning due to bowels not functioning.

While I'm writing this he's witnessing to the precious nurse named Faith who told me today in tears, "I just want him to feel better"...  My dad has treated everyone with such care and respect that it's been another example to a daughter about how people should be treated.  As God intended.

We have a transport about to come to take us to Ashland, to the next place.  People are waiting for us there and I'm sure the Lord has a whole new group of people waiting to be encouraged at the next place.

Thanks for praying.

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