They were 'people with no spiritual qualification' (quote from the Divine Conspiracy).
I had never thought about that before - they were not people that already had answers, or spiritual accomplishment, they were people in great need. They probably thought they only had physical needs but Jesus revealed there were much more important needs then those! And these needy people were the 'ones that shall inherit the earth' - according to Jesus!
"if we look at the Beatitudes as another list of spiritual to-do's, we diminish the beauty of Christ" (DC)
I feel sometimes that's what I spend my time doing - diminishing the beauty of Christ. When due to sin I do not even fully enter that 'beauty' how can I possibly tell others about it?
As I sat in my living room this morning looking at God's beautiful snow, I prayed - actually begged Him to so fully enwrap me in Him so that when I enter a room people immediately want to know what is different - how to know Him - there is no significance outside of this. There is no purpose to take up space in the world outside of this.
The Crossroads fast that is going on right now, asks us all to spend some time today, day #2, reflecting on our areas of weakness, and reminds us that repentance means an internal change. And true internal change will lead to an external change of action.
Will you join me in examining your life today - confess any unconfessed sin - and let's change this community for Him simply by being obedient and giving up anything that distracts us from Him.
Let's be different through Him.
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