No hurrying to do tons of yard work, or washing cars, or even cooking out. Just moving slowly.
And when you move slowly you discover the most important things.
This is what I read in a book a friend gave me to read.

"His commands are not burdensome" I John 5:3
Jesus' expectation was that we would receive His grace and that grace would set us free and lighten our load.
It is our true self that God loves, forgives, and longs to surround with grace. Our value is a gift given because of God's grace.
If I could sink completely into that promise, and truly remain in Him - all my burdens would seem light... the rules and hoops of Christianity are placed there by men, not Almighty God!
Sometimes I guess it takes a little rain and a day off to slow down and really hear!
It's been a blessed day off.
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