Thursday, April 24, 2014

real ministry

Due to my position at Crossroads, I'm often not able to spend much time talking to the congregation or even to sit through a service without some detail disrupting me.  My job is to make sure everything goes without a hitch in our services - and I love it!  And, I understand that an excellent service provides the setting for the message of Christ to be proclaimed and honored!

But…I love watching what I call 'real' ministry go on around me.

I got to go with my hubby to minister to an elderly Crossroads member in the hospital a couple nights ago.  I listened as this elderly gentlemen who was in excruciating pain tried to comfort his wife of many years as she was clearly struggling with his illness.    "It's ok baby", he assured her.   All the while my hubby held his hand and massaged his shoulder - assuring him that God cared about his pain and kept trying to bring him spiritual comfort.   "I love you brother," he said.  I held his wife as she sobbed and I knew, this was real ministry.

A couple of hours ago my hubby got a tearful call from this same family who were in tears heading for the hospital where the doctor had just said he didn't think this gentlemen was going to make it.  Ron headed back to the hospital - willingly giving his evening away.

At Crossroads I love to watch as the children's ministry staff love each and every child that walks into their area each weekend.  We won't know for years what an impact their love has made on these young lives.

One of my favorite areas of the ministry is Go Missions.  Watching what they do to provide experiences where each of us can serve those less fortunate - is such a special ministry!

We're each called to do different things for the Kingdom, we're all gifted in different ways, but when every once in a while you get to feel like you've made a little bit of difference in someones' life, that is SO rewarding and THAT is real ministry.

I'm very thankful to be part of Crossroads, and to serve our congregation in anyway I can!

What do you love doing to serve others?

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