Wednesday, November 19, 2014

does SOUL require suffering

A profound question:

Does soul require suffering to make itself known?  Ortberg asks.

My whole life I've heard hell-fire and brimstone threatening sermons about the devil taking my soul  (except at Crossroads!), a faith driven by guilt (my parents had complete control of me playing on my sympathies and guilt).

I grew up honestly believing that until you suffer, really suffer - you may never be close to the Lord.

So I ask you - is that true?

The other things I heard as a child into young adulthood, were glowing testimonies of these amazing people that withstood torture and rose above unbelievable odds to lead many to the Lord.  Deep in my soul even then I wondered if I could ever live up to this and be that kind of Christian.

Even the flannel graph was creepy!

Still I knew there was more to each of us than just our outer shell and mind - a soul - that's what sets us apart in God's creation!

Ortberg says, "We speak of the soul as a source of strength, and yet we speak of it as fragile."

So confusing!  Are we supposed to understand it, or doesn't it matter?  We just somehow know there's more to us then just flesh and bone because the Bible talks about it a whole lot!  So it must be important.

I seem to re-discover my soul when I'm on vacation, especially if water is involved.  The obligations melt away, the to do's are postponed and I remember again, what I accomplish is NOT who I am.

In times alone or away from distractions my mind, heart, body and soul function perhaps closer to what God intended.

Vacation was great and I intend to hold it close and yet move forward into this new season that requires our very best, both externally and for us to closely guard and nurture our souls so we are ready for God's next things.

Are you?

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