Friday, August 3, 2018

todays striving

Without self-control, we become the slaves of all our enemies (the world, the flesh, and the devil) and become incapacitated, unable to serve God and one another or even our own best interests.  We end up not only serving ourselves, but we become slaves to our appetites.  Keathley

I'm the one that always puts ridiculous goals and strivings on my plate daily, when all the Lord asks for is obedience and walking away from anything that hinders me growing closer to Him

I want my everyday, ordinary life to point people toward Jesus.  Both the things I do as well as the things I choose to avoid in order not to cause the stumbling of others. 

Our lives lived for Him can actually 'make the gospel believable' for the next generation.  That's a weighty responsibility, but a worthy striving.

Will you join me in this being today's striving for Him?  Self-control, a step toward becoming what He needs us to be in order to fulfill our calling?

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