This morning I asked myself this, "am I influenced more by the Word of God or by the worldly influences around me?"
I've been wrestling with this lately, wondering how to be 'set apart' in these ungodly times. What freedoms do I even have to consider giving up to further God's kingdom and not be a stumbling block to anyone? How much time to I need to set aside to keep my mind renewed?
After I had a chance to sit for a while this morning
and read in Romans, I was reminded that they lived in what they thought would be the worst time in history. Now we live in what our generation of believers think will be the most vile of times in history. How do I not fall under the world's influence?
Time in God's Word DAILY! A daily reset!
As I go through my day today, as I make each decision about what I say, what I watch, what I read on-line, what I drink and eat, I will ask myself - is this pleasing to the Lord and is this an influence from Him or the world...
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world,[a] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect
I pray you'll have a blessed day - a day where those around you will know there's something different about you that they need too! A day that you're a Godly Influence!
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